Danforth and North Broadview United Churches


A transcriptions of the registers:
Baptisms 1891–1925
Marriages 1909–1925
Burials 1909–1925
By Toronto Branch OGS and Halton-Peel Branch OGS
Published 2010
8.5 x 11 inches, 180 pages, spiral bound

In stock


A transcription of the pre-1926 records from the United Church of Canada Archives (Fonds 1602 Danforth Methodist Church, and Fonds 1604 North Broadview Presbyterian Church) covering a cluster of churches east of the Don River near Danforth Avenue

Includes the baptism records of Chester Presbyterian Church, North Broadview Presbyterian Church, Danforth Methodist Church, and Danforth Methodist Circuit; marriage records of Danforth Methodist Church, and Danforth Methodist Circuit; burial records of Chester Presbyterian Church and Danforth Methodist Church

More than 1,600 records. Fully indexed. Includes a brief history of the connected churches, map, and illustrations. The index can also be consulted in The Ontario Name Index.

NOTE: This transcription is also available to current Toronto Branch members, free of charge, on our Members Only pages.