Help! I’ve Inherited an Attic Full of History


By Althea Douglas, MA, CG (C)
Published by the Ontario Genealogical Society, 2003
6 x 9 inches, 176 pages

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This guide is for people who—willingly or otherwise—become custodians of a portion of history, be it their family’s papers and treasures or those of a business or other organization. The author skillfully conducts the reader through the steps to gain physical control over the variety of material advising how to evaluate it and whether to keep it or dispose of it. She covers simple conservation procedures for cleaning and maintaining those things kept for their sentimental and historic value.

The book includes extensive information on handling and dating photographs, as well as chronologies covering other technological developments to help you understand what you have and how to protect it. Authoritative and approachable—a fascinating read.

Additional information

Weight .305 kg
Dimensions 9 × 6 × .5 in